
Posts Tagged ‘best practice’

In summary about this week’s reading, I loathe the word “projectized” and yet knew instantly what it meant…and for that, appreciated it. As with technology plans, I knew the reading and understanding would not be swift for me with project management. My mind or the material or both turn very slippery, unable to pin down the words. I acquired my own copy of the PMBOK specifically because I need to tackle this hurdle if I am to play with technology projects. As ever, at least being able to recognize the language without visibly flinching in meetings…would be progress. It is hard to believe that I was a co-chair of the steering committee for my library’s first strategic planning effort. Talk about trial by amateurs.

I had an “aha” moment when I saw that this body of knowledge is a body of knowledge because people acquire it and get certified as Project Management Professionals. My stepmother acquired the body of knowledge required to become a Certified Professional Purchasing Manager. I don’t know why, but this gave me a better sense of “place” for this material.

I am very glad to be introduced to the PMBOK as the manual of best practices. The takeaway idea for me is the 5 process groups X 9 knowledge areas. Much as I frankly dislike, or is it disdain or distrust? this arena and its language, I know that having standards promotes cooperation, and the 5X9 scheme seems to me the bare bones of the standard, free for local tailoring. In other words, I know I’m just ignorant and wrong. Less so now, possibly.

Wikipedia’s offering on project management was great for the history overview. Bas De Baar’s video was kind of hilarious. But true. Flesh and blood is always the problem. Forsake the wishes and desires of the stakeholders at your and your organization’s peril.  “Try the flow.” And the James Chapman video was, as promised, memorable. Did the animals correlate obviously with the project tasks? I may have missed something. I did not miss that tracking is the oposable thumb.

I might actually use Chapman’s Project Management Scalable Methodology Guide–this was my favorite item along the way. I kept seeing everything in my work universe as just too small to warrant copies of the PMBOK on every department shelf, but Chapman I felt did a great job of translation down the scale for those of us who need it spelled out.

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